Thursday, September 17, 2015

Very Easy DIY Pumpkin Leaves

As we're slowly getting into Halloween season, I'm working on a couple of DIY decorations... I'll make sure to post tutorials and photos of everything I make for Halloween this year :)

Today I made leaves out of thin, green cardboard that I'm going to use for my DIY Halloween treat wrapping later on. It's a classic craft - very easy - that you can use for pumpkins and other decorations.

What you'll need:
- Thin green cardboard
- A pencil
- Scissors
- A hole puncher

1. Draw the outlines of leaves on your cardboard. They can all be similar or you can draw different kinds of leaves depending on what you want to use them for.

2. Cut on the lines.

3. Punch holes on the bottom part of the leaves.

And voila!!

Make these with your kids. Well, I hope you do and feel free to send me your pictures. As we get closer to Halloween I'll show you how I'll use the ones I made :)


Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Kick in the Butt!

That's how it all started... With this burgundy passport and a couple tickets. I've always wanted to live a life full of experiences; to have as few regrets as possible and to gain that contentment that a life filled with adventures can give you.

The only problem was that I was never the adventurous type... I was more of a hesitant, thinking-twice (or three times) -type. As it turns out, what I needed was a kick in the butt! And to a certain extend, I believe that's what we all need; a kick in the butt - a push - to do what we've been putting off.

For me that push was my beloved grandma's passing. Somehow it made my fears and all the excuses vanish...